DEFINITION The in-vitro culturing of cell, tissue or organ of an organisms in highly aseptic environment on artificial medium is called tissue culture. Plants cells unlike most of the animals cells have copies of many functional genes and thus they can be propagated from a cell, and have the same genotype (genetically identical plants.)
*) Centrifuge *) Water bath *) Sterilizer *) Liquid nitrogen freezer *) Hemacytometer, this device is used for counting cells *) Incubator, a device that maintains humididty, temperature and gas concentration. *) Cell culture hood that provides a hygienic environment. *) Broth, or agar growth medium
a) PROCUREMENT OF EXPLANT: Plant tissue cultures are initiated from explants, which are complete organs or small sections of tissue or a single cell removed from an intact plant.
b) STERILIZATION: Before tissue culture, glassware and explants are sterilized in chemical solutions (sodium or calcium hypochlorite, solutions). c) PREPARATION OF A GROWTH MEDIUM: A suitable growth medium is prepared with all the essential element, organic nutrients, vitamins and plant hormones.
d) INOCULATION: Explant are allowed to grow in growth medium. Inoculation is performed in laminar flow hood that provides a germ free-sterile environment.
e) DEVELOPMENT OF CALLUS: The growing explants from a mass of undifferentiated cells called callus.
f) DEVELOPMENT OF PLANTLETS: As roots and shoots appear from tghe callus these are planted in soil to produces individual plants, due to chnages in hormones concentration.
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