RIBOSOMES Ribosomes are small, dense,rounded and granular particles of the ribonucleoprotein.
DISCOVERY Ribosomes was studied by palade in 995 for the first time.
OCCURRENCE AND DISTRIBUTION: These are small granular structures found in prokaryotes and eukaroyets. They occur either freely in the matrix of mitochondria chloroplast and cytoplasm (i.e, cytoplasmic matrix) or remain attached with the membranes of the endoplasmic reticulum nucleus.
ROLE They carry put proteins synthesis by translating mRNA in the polypeptide chain.
CHEMICAL COMPOSITION Ribosomes are composed of proteins and ribosomal RNA. Ribosomal RNA in eukaryotes is a four types and three types in prokaryotes. Ribosomes are formed in the nucleolus.
STRUCTURE: These are small cytoplasmic granules ranging from 20nm-30nm in diameter. Ribosomes are consisting of two sub units of unequal size that fit closely together. Ribosomes found in eukaryotic cell are 80S, and prokaryotic cell are 70S.
SUBUNITS The subunits are referred as the smaller subunits and the larger subunits. The larger subunits in eukaryotes is 60S while in prokaryotes is 50S. The smaller subunits in eukaryotes is 40S and in prokaryotes 30S.
SVEDBREG UNIT: "S" refers to Svedbreg unit that is the sedimentation rate in ultracentrifuguation.
EUKARYOTIC RIBOSOMES: Its smaller sub unit is 30S and Larger subunit is 50S and complex is 70S.
PROKARYOTIC RIBOSOMES: Its smaller sub unit is 40S and larger sub unit is 60S and complex is 80S.